You're in a committed relationship but he's pulling away

I know this feeling all too well

You love him. You're both committed.

But feel lonely

Sometimes you just deeply miss him

Because he works so much

Or has other things that take up his time

And then after work he needs his man cave/alone time

Then maybe he asks for sex before bed but you're not in the mood because you feel so disconnected, and unappreciated

And then it starts all over the next day :(

And you wonder where the romance went

You miss being the center of his attention

You miss the deep presence he used to give you

the romantic dates he used to plan more regularly,

the slow, luxurious sex where he took his time and you felt like his number 1 focus


These are all valid, sacred feminine feelings ^

And I want you to know that this experience of having your man pull away and feeling a bit of the romance dwindle is SO COMMON in committed relationships

This was me and Greg 5+ years ago.

It was rough.

For a quick back story, he immigrated to the US for me, and had to start over his career (which ultimately is a super hot masculine trait I LOVE about him)

But at times it felt like his whole life was work and I was second

I knew he loved me, and I loved him, and that we we're deeply committed,

but I felt sad often

I felt soooo disconnected, and also...angry because of it (lol cue the feminine rage!)

And what I *WISH* I knew back then,

was how to communicate in a way that was supportive to us both getting what we wanted

But what I did instead was, push him further away

The way I tried to ask for what I wanted, made him feel like "it's never enough" and "you're never happy"

It made him feel like I was ungrateful, or that I was complaining and being critical

Once I learned the magic of feminine communication....

I started to understand him way better, and see that everything he was doing...was for me!

And we started spending way more time together

We started having great s*x way more often

I felt connected again!

chosen again!

And prioritized.

We started regularly going on romantic weekend getaways (*swoon!*)

And he took me on weekly dates

I felt him way more present with me

And we've sustained this ^ for many years

I want you to know that your feelings right now are valid, and that the current dynamic is not ALL on you--

but I do believe you have the power to shift it through your communication with him

and this is exactly what happened for me!

The thing is, men and women communicate in vastly different ways,

We interpret things in vastly different ways

So what you thought was a genuine loving request,

Could easily be seen by him as nagging, ungrateful, and critical (GULP) and push him further and further away

I want to help you end this vicious cycle

So you feel seen and understood,

and deeply connected with your man again

I want to help you release the feelings of hurt, disappointment and resentment

And share with you the secrets I learned that will have your man:

- planning dates consistently

- communicating with you consistently

- and providing the romance, connection and presence you crave!

This is why I created the Irresistible Woman Private Intensive for you! ❤️

Over 2 weeks we will completely transform the way you communicate and are RECEIVED by your man

You will see the sparkle in his eye when you talk to him, that sparkle is him feeling appreciated

And him feeling revived feelings of LOVE for you

It will reignite his motivation to be your KING

and to treat your like a Queen

For 2 weeks I will be your mentor, I will support you with whatever situations arise and be in your back pocket!

So you feel confident in asking for what you want in a way that INSPIRES your man to give it to you

This Private Intensive is for women who are in a committed relationship,

and are desiring more romance, intimacy, or connection

And you're ready to master your communication so your man is motivated to give you WHATEVER your heart desires

This is all possible through your feminine communication ;)

And I'm here to be your guide!

The normal price for this Private Intensive is $1500

But I have a SUPER amazing early bird special pricing available for $555 (extended payment plan available!) until Monday, April 17th

Spots are extremely limited, it's first come first serve

Click >> here << to save your spot!

*Price goes up on Monday, April 17th*

This is going to be absolutely life changing, and will give you the tools to have a thriving, lasting romantic partnership with your man

I can't wait to work with you!


Chelsea KrolickiComment