steamy s*x like when you first met or BETTER

One of my private clients who’s been married for 8+ years, during our work together was able to bring back the passion and romance with her man, revive their s*x life and just shared with me she’s pregnant 🥹

This is one of my fave client stories to date 🌹

I love supporting women in committed relationships to find deeper satisfaction with their man, where they feel supported, loved, cherished and romanced and have steamy s*x like when they first met or BETTER!

^No matter how long they’ve been together and no matter how long it hasn’t been that way

I believe in true love! And that any two people who share it can have an amazing s*x life, amazing communication, lots of passion and a harmonious life + relationship together.

But I’m not gonna lie and say it’s always easy, relationships are hard.

That’s part of why they’re so worth it. (the quote-- do hard things and you'll have an easy life-- do only easy things and have a hard life-- applies here too!)

I have a couple spots available to work with me one on one if you desire support you with your relationship, to balance your masculine and feminine energy, have more intimacy, better communication, more romance, passion and harmony with your man.

This is a 3 month private coaching package which in my years of experience-- is PLENTY of time to revitalize the romance, passion and intimacy in your relationship.

Click here to reserve your spot!

The doors close for this opportunity May 15th, and if you reserve your spot by May 5th you can receive $111 off with coupon code: DREAMBIG

I'm SO excited to support you!

On this same topic, I took an interesting pole on my Instagram yesterday asking my audience:

How many couples in long term relationships do you think are having great s*x consistently?

Everyone guessed about 20%-50% lol

My guess is that this is sadly true!

There can be many reasons for this, but through my personal experience and 8 years of coaching women, I've found that for healthy men and women this is why they may lose passion and romance overtime:

1. Men often stop romancing their woman after they "win her" and stop making her feel special over time, even if they love her deeply due to a lack of awareness on his part AND a loss of motivation that comes with the loss of masculine/feminine polarity

2. Women are often overly functioning in their masculine energy with their man and/or accidentally communicating in a way with him that makes him pull away, feel unappreciated or not good enough (turn off)

3. Women don't know how to ask for what they want in a way that doesn't emasculate or criticize him - even if she's coming from love and has no intention of doing so! He hears it differently than she intends it.

4. Men need to slow down and listen to what she needs, what turns her on and makes her feel romanced and special

5. Men can help by taking things off her plate and helping her shift out of any overwhelm, doing, thinking and get into her body/receiving, like give her time to transition into her feminine, or surprise her with something relaxing like making her a bath ;)

6. Couples need to make sure they're spending enough time apart in their respective feminine/masculine polarities vs doing everything together all the time (which can water down polarity)

7. Women need to learn how to switch into their feminine energy after being in their masculine all day, and do their best to make TIME for this transition AND ask for support to do so! (hint: tell him how turned on it makes you feel when he helps with XYZ!)

8. Women need to realize that its through s*x that men reconnect to their heart/loving romantic feelings, whereas for women its the opposite-- its through ROMANCE, novelty, newness, feeling special-- that makes us crave and want s*x, we need to embrace these opposing needs and do our best to communicate our needs in a supportive way that inspires our man vs accidentally criticizing or rejecting

I hope you enjoyed these tips! ^

If you're in a committed relationship with a man you love but you're ready to revamp the passion, romance and connection, find a better way to communicate so you can both get your needs met-- I'd LOVE to support work with you one on one!

Click here to work with me privately in my 3 month coaching package!

The doors close for this opportunity May 15th and if you join by May 5th you can save $111 with coupon code: DREAMBIG

I can't wait to support you!



Chelsea Krolicki