feelin yourself at 90

Hi love,

I've been thinking a lot lately about aging and my mortality (lol dark perhaps BUT

if I'm not having an existential crisis approximately every 2 weeks am I even me?)

I've been noticing all the negative projections I hold about my future in regards to these things.

Thoughts that say:

You're bound to get less sexy over time

You're bound to become frumpier and more and more disconnected from

your body, your beauty, your pleasure

Bound to become less desirable

less attractive

less magnetic

Have less fun

Get more and more serious

And feel less and less like yourself

ewww YUCK!!!

In recognizing these voices in my head it made my blood boil and my heart break

It made my passion for my work grow even more

Reminding me of what I truly stand for,

for myself, for you, and for the women of the world

I want you to be feeling yourself, all the way til you're 90+!!!

Our light

our joy

our sexiness

and magnetism

do not have to fade over time

We hold the key to our own pleasure and our own magnetism

It just takes, commitment

Devotion to self

This is what I crave personally

and this is what I hope for you!

That when you're 90,

like that amazing woman Baddie Winkle on IG (who is currently 93 and is #goals)

You are showing up authentically

Turned on about who you are

and about your life

Expressing your soul's truth

Sharing your heart, simply by who you BE

And ultimately, inspiring others by who you BE

This is what I want for you

And thank GODDESS we don't have to wait til we're 90 to feel that way!

You can step into this way of being NOW

You can step all the way into your juiciest essence

And celebrate every aspect of your life

The fastest way to turn this light on?


Find literally anything-- to celebrate.

And you instantly step into the field of true resonance with your soul

Making you a match to others who are on that same frequency as you (hint hint Mr. Right)

In the act of celebrating

You drop your false sense of self

The part of you who believes its hard to have what she wants

that believes that soulmate love, or dream life may never happen for her

And you step into your true self...your magnetic vortex

This is what we will be diving deep into in my upcoming Masterclass:

Become Irresistibly Attractive by Making Your Life a Celebration

Inspired by a recent revelation I had in my own relationship...

and a resurgence of ecstatic passion... even after 8 years of being together!

(yes I'm committed to having this when I'm 90 too!!! you can read about that recent experience on the blog here)

I feel so blessed that over the last 8 years I've helped women attract their dream relationships,

dream jobs, dream businesses, dream LIVES

All through embodying this message.

I cannot wait to spill some of the new profound lessons I've learned on this with you

Because this work keeps teaching me...And I'm so honored I get to share it with you!

The masterclass is happening live on June 3rd at 10:00am PT

It's being recorded if you can't join live! You'll receive lifetime access

>> Click here to reserve your seat!<<

The price is currently $44 but is going up to $88 on Friday May 27th at 9pm PT

I'm SOOO excited to have you if you're feeling called!

When you join make sure to email me and share what you're MOST excited about discovering from me on this topic--

I love having these experiences be super collaborative so I'm SO excited to receive your feedback!

See you soon!!


Chelsea Krolicki