A love letter {I launched a PODCAST!}

I ache to feel free.

Big. Crazy. FREE.

A soothing balm for my manifesting generator soul.

I long for it not to be complicated.

Simple. Self. Expression.

I long for the path of least resistance.

A life of creating.

systemizing and streamlining my impact and influence

but doing only what lights up my soul.

I want to get out of my head and into action.

Big. wild. ACTION.

Receiving the insight and immediately pouring through me like

a faucet, a channel

into action

I long to be this creative vessel

And I long to trust it.

To trust ME.

To trust I was designed perfectly

For my purpose

For this life

this business

for everything I have

and for everything I want.

I long for my life’s work to be a love letter.

soothing other sweet souls who need it.

I want to be this effortless channel of receiving and giving

Where the giving, and being received,

is just the icing on the cake

a bonus, to the first joy…

of creating

songs from my soul

melody choosing me

my heart put into words

Where will you take me?

I am ready.

And I want to know what excites YOU?

What lights a fire in you

Has you come alive

Fills you with joy

I want you to know that this ^ is your destiny

or at least…a clue!

guiding you somewhere your mind never could

somewhere sooo soul satisfying

where you’re meant to be

listen to this.

I want to take my big MESS of self

and channel it fully

for you

for me

once and for all…I’m ready to express ALL of me

So I finally created A PODCAST!!! 😍

Introducing the Born to Be Magnetic Podcast 🎙

Devoted to you, and me

and our MAGNETISM.

My heart is SO so full

Episode 1 is available now to listen to on Spotify & Apple Podcasts

Thank you for loving (all) of me ❤️👑

Click here to listen!


Chelsea Krolicki