Your Happiness is His Biggest Turn On

Happy Sunday love!

You may have already heard but I recently had one of the sweetest days + evenings with Greg

and some of our friends, wine tasting in celebration of my upcoming birthday!

It was a day and night to remember (I shared all about it on my new blog if you missed it!)

The evening ended with Greg whispering to me in the shower:

"I will never get tired of you"

drop. dead. SWOON!

The evening was especially memorable because of the way he made me feel

I felt wanted



And I truly hot!!!

Most of all I felt loved to my core

Truly seen for my essence (something I deeply crave)

And when I asked where this particularly passionate energy was coming from that night he replied with,

"You were so happy today"


This is what my work is all about

Turning you onto your deepest joy

Your deepest YES

So that you beam your light to everyone and everything in your life...

Making you irresistibly magnetic to the life and passionate romance you crave

like honey to a bee!

This is your true essence

When you slow down,

tune into your pleasure

get present in your body,

and make your life a CELEBRATION!

He was right. I was SOO happy that day

I was basking and delighting in my environment, the epic food and wine,

the sweet + fun company and conversation,

feeling cute AF in my outfit...

And that's the thing,

It truly is so simple: The fastest way to get everything you want...

Is to be happy NOW

Your happiness is his biggest turn on!

Men crave to see us in our glow

in our joy, passion, happiness...

At peace in our lives and with ourselves

I'm leading a brand new masterclass all about this

I'm SOO excited and inspired to share the lessons + inspiration I've been receiving lately

about this topic in my personal life

That will support you in becoming irresistibly attractive

so you can attract the depth of passion, connection and romance you crave in your love life

(plus anything else you heart desires! ;))

All through practicing the art of making your life a celebration!

I am SO excited about this

Click here to save your seat!

The price is currently $33 but its going up to $44 tomorrow Monday, May 23rd at 9pm PST

(and will go up every few days until its $111 on June 1st!)

The masterclass is happening live on June 3rd at 10:00am - 11:15am PT and is being recorded

If you can't join us live no worries, you'll receive lifetime access ;)

Reserve your seat by clicking here!

I'm so excited to have you

See you there!


Chelsea Krolicki