stop tolerating dullness - dare to desire {NEW workshop!}

I've been reflecting a lot lately on the connection between our femininity and our creativity and I'm so curious if this topic interests you too

I've always been very creative, I was a very creative child and went on to study Fine Art in college (fun fact!)

I loved painting, drawing and photography

Though I never felt called to pursue any of these things as a career, I'm finding that creativity is an important form of nourishment for me

And I'm also finding it doesn't need to come in the form of "visual art" for it to work for me

Sometimes it comes through me in my business, with a new idea or new offering,

or through my writing (like this email!) or while speaking/teaching in my programs

Or even while I'm cooking my food, or decorating my house

My current daily creativity practice involves writing every morning, following the guidance from the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron (highly recommend)

I do what she calls "Morning Pages" which is 3 pages of long hand, stream of consciousness writing in my journal

I find its such a wonderful place for me to vent, gain clarity and get intimate with myself about my true feelings and desires

It grounds me and keeps me in check!

If there's anything out of alignment in my life, even a little bit, its often staring at me on the page, no longer avoidable and quickly starts to demand my attention

So instead of the common forms of distraction we may use when things feel off--

like obsessing over a guy you like, spending too much time on your phone, or mindlessly eating, etc (btw BEEN THERE)

We get to face our resistance head on by putting pen to paper and getting it out onto the page, where it can be addressed and loved on

I find this style of writing puts me in a flow state where I can easily access my inner wisdom

I shared in a recent podcast episode that I've been in a season of "dullness" in my life (if you missed the episode it was a huge hit click here to listen on Spotify! Its titled Creativity as a Manifestation Tool)

I realized I've been missing that feeling of being inspired, alive and passionate

I found that admitting I was feeling this way was even harder then the feelings themselves

Because it made me sit in the unknown, and with my fear of what this meant for me

The fear of "what if my passion and inspiration never comes back?" lol sounds silly and dramatic but these have been very real thoughts of mine, especially since I've been experiencing this for almost a year now

I found that, even though it was painful to admit, writing it down and being with it, immediately started opening me up to new ideas, fresh energy, and much needed...change

I'm happy to report that the wheels are now churning and new energy is flowing for me!

I had a crystal clear download in the shower today about what my next venture will be and it's really exciting and honestly, was worth the wait (hello divine timing)

I will be revealing more details with you as it unfolds, but ultimately this is just the next wave of ME and my work... and a the beginning of fun new chapter in my life

This kind of intimacy with ourselves is vital to creating the life and relationship that's going to be truly fulfilling for us

Yet it is SOO easy to avoid that intimacy, to ignore the dullness, the inner nagging...that voice that says "Psst! something's not quite right!"

It's so easy to continue doing what you've always done, doing what's predictable and what's comfortable

The funny thing for me is in this season of "dullness" (for lack of a better term) nothing was really wrong per say

There were no real emergencies, no major losses, and no urgent problems to solve

I'm so grateful for that! But that's what also made it so much easier for me to ignore that nagging voice within me for so long!

I found my brain telling that inner voice "what are you complaining about!? You have everything you need! Don't be a brat, just be grateful! Don't rock the boat when things are steady!" (hello patriarchal conditioning)

But what I was really aching for, and what I think most women are actually seeking when they set out to improve their lives, better themselves, attract more money or attract a husband etc is...




I just want to feel alive

I just want to feel tapped into my personal edge of creativity

tapped into the mystery again, and to dabble in the unknown

I decided a long time ago I wasn't meant to live like most of the world

and with these recent revelations I've come home to my truth in that even more

Many people are satisfied with "good enough"

Many people NORMALIZE feeling dullness

I've realized now, that my soul doesn't tolerate that (HA)

I want to feel ALIVE

Most of all, I want to listen to my inner voice, wherever it takes me

THAT is my alignment

Which is the most satisfying feeling in the world to me, and what I suspect you are deeply craving too

This is what our new standard gets to be as women

Not just good enough-- but precisely aligned in every area of our lives

Things don't have to be terribly wrong for you to feel misaligned

There doesn't necessarily need to be fires to put out (although if there is, I'm sending you all the love and energy to tackle that-- you got this!)

I think trying to achieve alignment in all areas of our life can feel really daunting at times and of course is a process that requires patience!

But the beautiful part about it is, your heart is ALWAYS guiding you to your most fulfilled, magnetic, powerful, fun, existence

To your highest alignment in all areas

Will you be one of the few courageous people, to truly listen to it and follow it?

If you've been craving deeper intimacy with yourself,

Or if you have an area that's been feeling "off" or dull, or bland for a while, and in need of change

I want to invite you to a live workshop I'm leading next week titled Dare to Desire

To support you in reconnecting to the voice of your intuition, ditch what's not working and clarify your dreams and next steps

This is a space for you to be intimate with yourself, reflect on what your heart is guiding you to,

A space to allow your creative desires to be expressed...a space for you to deeply reconnect with your heart, and your inner guidance

There will be a guided mediation by me, time to share and listen to other women's breakthrough, and a chance to feel seen and supported in this next chapter whatever its calling of you

There will also be an opportunity to receive my intuitive feedback and coaching on whatever you're moving through at the moment

I'm SO excited for this

While a lot of my work has been and is about supporting you in attracting your dream love relationship-- we mustn't forget that your man gets to be the cherry on top of your already epic, fulfilling, soul-quenching life.

When you put your own fulfillment first, your love life falls magically into place in perfect divine timing ;)

This is going to be an intimate, grounding, and transformative live workshop with a group of women who are courageous enough to disrupt the status quos in their lives, and reach for better than "good enough"

Women who are committed to their heart's desires, and to living extraordinary lives

I hope you'll join us!

The price for this workshop is currently $37 and will be increasing to $47 on Friday August 11th

It is being recorded if you can't join us live!

Click here to save your spot


P.S. the image above is a part of a recent abstract painting I’ve been playing with. YAY for creativity! <3

Chelsea Krolicki