Romanticize Your Life FREE Masterclass

It's so interesting to me to observe the two very different approaches I see people taking to creating their dreams

There's what the majority of people do, which is focus constantly on the lack of their desires

the lack of a relationship, the lack of money, freedom, etc

And they strive and push towards their goals from this place of scarcity, longing and pain

And they find themselves in this constant energy of swimming upstream, which sucks! (been there done that)

But it's hard not to fall into this trap, because minds have a tendency to focus on the lack of what we want,

treating it like a "problem" that needs to be fixed

Thankfully, there is another way that I've found works way better

And where I believe ALL of our power comes from...

It comes from realizing your life is already good

This is about romanticizing every corner of your current life

And filling up on feeling SO satisfied with where you are now, in any way you can

Celebrating everything you already have,

and genuinely appreciating and enjoying it

This is about living in the present moment vs stressing about the future and what you believe may or may not happen

It's about surrendering the idea that there is any lack or any problem at all (I know this sounds like a stretch but stay with me here!)

This does not mean you avoid or ignore important action steps needed to improve your situation

It's just about approaching it from a completely different energy than we're accustomed to

One that actually works!

One where you can deeply enjoy and savor your life along the way to improving your situation and attracting more

This is also about surrendering your attachment to the specifics of your desires

It's about trusting that, sometimes (often) life brings us something BETTER than what we could ever imagine for ourselves

So its about holding our desires lightly, and enjoying our lives now because life is too short not to!

There will always be things we are gaining, and losing in life

Our lives are always changing

And before we know it...another 5 years have gone by!

What I've found is that when we bring this softness and appreciation to our every day lives, we become our most magnetic selves

And not only that, we are just SO much happier! (isn't that the whole point?)

I have been teaching this same principle for many years now in different shapes and forms, but it never gets old

I've been recommitting to it in a big way lately

I've surrendered the energy of striving, pushing or grinding in any way

I still have the same dreams I'm showing up for...

But I'm SO much happier where I am now

I'm no longer rushing it

I'm no longer wasting energy or losing my power over how "far away" I think my goals are

I'm doing my best to deeply savor and appreciate right where I am...with all I have ❤️

And it's a lot more peaceful let me tell ya!

It's this complete release of all feelings of resistance...

which I KNOW is the magic sauce for all my manifestations ;)

And it feels so deeply feminine to me, which I want for you too!

If you crave this level of freedom and peace of mind, where you align fully with your desires through deeply enjoying your life--

I've put together a brand new FREE masterclass to guide you through this process I've been mastering and I'm SO excited to invite you!!

It's called 6 Steps to Romanticize Your Life & Attract Your Heart's Desires From Overflow

I'll be sharing how to bring more peace, meaning and fulfillment to your life so you can enjoy it way more AND become magnetic to all your desires

This FREE live Masterclass is happening this Friday, August 25th at 10am - 11am PST

Click here to join me!

I can't wait!

See you soon 😘


Chelsea Krolicki