The secret to happiness & renewed faith

Hi Love! I hope you had a wonderful weekend enjoying the last weeks of summer! I've been reflecting a lot lately on how we cause ourselves so much unnecessary suffering by making our current circumstances mean something

Like if you've never been in a serious long term (or healthy) relationship before, making this mean that its never going to happen for you

or that you must have to wait a longggg time before it does

Just to give you a boost in faith here, I want to share a message I recently received from a beloved client of mine in her 30s who was in the exact same boat:

"Hey Chelsea! Just wanted to update you that the guy I’ve been seeing asked me to be his girlfriend! It just feels very natural and safe. I’m able to freely express my needs and wants and vice versa and we can openly communicate about it. I know that wouldn’t have happened with out your program. Thank you!"

Swoon ^ I love my job.

So my love, what if...

You were actually exactly where you need to be

What if your love story was right on track, and unfolding in ways that are BETTER than you could've ever expected?

I believe this to be true about you, to my core

I know sometimes we need to lean on other peoples faith in order to strengthen our own, well thats why I'm here!

I've you've been giving your power away to your current circumstances lately,

putting off being happy and fulfilled until you get XYZ (the relationship, the dream job, the new house)

I want you to know you hold SO much more power than that

This is one of the hardest things to do but it is so necessary

We must learn how to love our lives, exactly as they are right now

Even as we seek to better them

In doing so...this miraculous things happen

Number 1: you start to feel way happier, and have more fun

Number 2: things flow so much easier!

You start to experience synchronicities again, that sensation of being supported

because you're attuned to that support through your appreciation for all you already have

Listen-- if you can't be happy now, you can't be happy when you "get there"

oof. I know thats tough to hear!

If you can't be happy now you won't be happy when you get the guy, the job, the money, the family etc

These things can enhance our quality of lives yes, and provide for us in certain ways-- but wherever you go...there you are!

Meaning, you bring all the same mindset, paradigms and baggage with you lol!

In my young adult life I had this tendency to want to escape

I thought moving to a different country would be the answer to all my problems and finally make me happy

I had a friend who studied abroad in Paris, which of course sounded fabulous and was the dream to me back then

But when she came back she shared "Ya know, I realized I'm still me, I still have the same problems, the same lonliness etc. even in Paris"

I'm grateful for receiving that wisdom at such a young age lol!

Sometimes we think that when we FINALLY manifest the love, or lifestyle we want--- all will be easy and well and we will finally be happy

But this couldn't be further from the truth

We need to take responsibility for our happiness now, in whatever circumstances we have

We need to call ourselves out for our lack mindset

and for our addiction to focusing on what's missing

and for always putting our happiness into the future by thinking "I'll be happy when _____"

In my recent free masterclass: 6 Steps to Romanticize Your Life and Attract Your Heart's Desires From Overflow, we went deep into this topic!

I lead a guided meditation to transform these patterns from the inside out, on a deep embodied level

It was so much fun

I received soooo much positive feedback from the women who joined live, about how meaningful and relevant it was for them

And you could feel this palpable renewal of their faith in their dreams AND in their appreciation for their lives, exactly as they are now

That lightness is truly contagious! And this is our true magnetic power unleashed

If you missed it, I highly highly recommend you bless yourself with an hour of uninterrupted self care and listen to the replay here

Inside I also shared I have a brand new program to support you in transforming and mastering all of this so you can cultivate deeper peace and fulfillment, and naturally attract your heart's desires

It's called the Soft Life Reset

Enrollment will be opening soon, but you can join the waitlist here to receive a coupon code for the program and be first to know when the doors open! ;)

I can't wait!


Chelsea Krolicki