Getting Your Feminine Needs Met

Hi Love! I can't believe its finally here!!

My new online course / 4 month group immersion Divine Union starts tomorrow!!

This is for the woman who craves a sexy, passionate, committed relationship with a masculine man

A woman who desires to stand in her feminine essence, and lead in her Queen energy...

while embodying a warm, inviting energy that inspires her man to lead in his King energy + masculine essence

It is not only possible but it is your destiny to have high levels of passion, turn on and romance with your dream man,

while enjoying the peace and safety of the devotion and commitment you want from him

This is what I call a Divine Union ^

2 incredible humans standing in their fullest power and essence

who know how to drop into their respective feminine/masculine energies to create the romantic passion and deep fulfillment they both crave

I want this for you

Whether you're in a relationship craving more intimacy, sexiness and passion and effective communication

Or you're single wanting to attract a man you're not only compatible with but wildly attracted to--

My Divine Union course is for you!

This is a 4 month immersion with me

Where you'll receive 4 live trainings, and 4 group Q&A calls

As well as an amazing FB group community and space to ask questions!

I will be sharing all things polarity, passion, and feminine embodiment and communication that supports a long term healthy partnership

And allows you to keep high levels of passion and romance while building your dream life together

These teachings will support you with:

>> Creating a healthy, committed partnership with the sexy polarity you crave

>> Mastering your emotions, energy and mindset to experience effortless communication as well as high levels of passion + chemistry with your man

>> Effectively communicating your needs and desires with a man in a way that inspires him to meet them

>> Having your man respond to your needs easily and quickly-- making you feel like he read your mind!

>> Having your man coming towards you, stepping up, seeking intimacy, planning surprises, spontaneous getaways

Think...dancing in the kitchen,

spontaneous passionate s*x on the regular,

more intimacy, more passion

more romance--

all happening seemingly effortlessly!

I'm SO excited to have you if you feel called!

I know what it feels like to not have my feminine needs met in relationship

To feel that longing and craving of his undivided attention, focus and presence

That yearning to be ravished...taken...devoured...

And trying so hard to get the words out right to only end up pushing him away or making him feel unappreciated

There was a time in my relationship with Greg where I was approaching my feminine needs all wrong

I realized that he was actually just responding to me, my energy and my style of communication

Once I shifted...he shifted

We now experience total ease in our communication, and deep intimacy and connection on a regular basis

regular play time, travel, adventure

and lots of.. sexy sexy s e x ;)

This required a deep level of self mastery and wisdom that I am SOOO grateful for and that I have the pleasure and honor to guide you through in depth, inside Divine Union

Our first live training is tomorrow, August 3rd at 12pm PST (if you can't make it live, its being recorded!!)

Click here to save your spot inside Divine Union {make sure you scroll to the bottom to see the payment plan option if you desire that!}

I'm so excited to support you!!

Reply to this email if you have any questions!!

Can't wait


Chelsea Rose

Chelsea Krolicki