Equal Partnership + Dominance

Possibly the most provocative title I've ever written for a blog post but I said what I said! lol

I know this is what you crave

You want a relationship with

cozy Sunday mornings,

that--hold me when I cry,

always make me laugh,

be my best friend forever kind of vibe


you want a man that takes control,

makes your toes curl,

holds you in sexy anticipation +

gives you 7 orgasms before breakfast

Well my darling, you get to have it all!

This is what I call a Divine Union:

A relationship where there is equal partnership

healthy communication

self leadership + ownership

AND lots and lots of...

polarity {AKA passion, chemistry, romance!}

mmmmmm that secret sauce thats so often missing from long term partnerships

or its there in the beginning and fades over time...

That yummy thing thats always there in short term flings and "situationships"

Its the one thing that has you get into those ^ dynamics in the first place

You crave polarity because its meant for you

Just like you crave partnership because its meant for you

There's a crazy idea in this world that you can't have both with the same man--

I disagree BIG TIME

The world will be changed by Divine Unions

The world NEEDS Divine Unions

There is a power

a magic

a FORCE of good + love

That pours out of Divine Unions

That blesses the 2 people within the union and EVERYONE around them

I want this for you

A love where you are so deeply met

So held in all of your beauty, vulnerability,

humanity, talents and strength

While also pushed into your deep feminine essence from time to time...or frequently

(yes, we're getting back to the dominance piece now ;) hehe)

Where you're energetically (or literally if you crave that) "pinned down" by his masculine power, strength and honor

Because true empowered masculine energy is a form of LOVE

It is safe

It is protective

And we neeeeeeed it


This is what turns us on + creates polarity

Want some of this ^?

Join Divine Union ;) jk but seriously I’m soooo excited about this!

This is my new online course for women who are READY to anchor into a true Divine Union

I will be sharing from 8 years of experience in a healthy, committed partnership of my own

+ from years of experience coaching women on creating their dream life + partnership through their feminine magic

I am OVER the moon excited about this

This is brand new content

With high level teachings for the woman ready for self mastery

Mastery of her emotions, energy, mindset

And mastery over her approach

You get to be the Queen that makes space for your true King

I cannot wait to support you

This course is being recorded live and I will be offering Q&A calls + a private FB group however you can join at any time

But! The price goes up on August 1st

(and will stay the same if you join after its all done being recorded)

If you want to jump in at the lowest price it will ever be AND get to join for the live energy...

Click here to join

Email me at info@chelsearoses.com if you have any questions ;)


Chelsea Krolicki